Media Real Estate Marketing Bad Boys Featured on CP24 Breakfast Television (unrehearsed and LIVE!)   Just a short time ago, CP24 Breakfast Live covered a story about an unbidden billboard campaign (, grazing the concrete fields of Toronto. This slinky stimulation was an astonishing attempt to herd flocks of Torontonians into the economic sheepfolds of London’s fertile grasslands.     To help discuss this seductive stimulus, CP24 contacted your two favourite real estate […]
Lifestyle TODAY… Marks the One-Year Anniversary of the ‘You Could Do Worse’ CBC Article  Some would say resurrecting our ‘You Could Do Worse’ story on the same day of Christ’s resurrection would be highly offensive, but chances are if you read my articles, you’re not easily offended anyways. So, what have Tristan and I been up to since being co-fired over our perfectly compliant marketing campaigns?   1. We have been organically […]
Home How to Sell a Home in the Serial Killer Capital of Canada (London, Ontario!)   Between the years 1959-1984 the Forest City was coined the Serial Killer Capital of Canada, and although the massacres ended forty years ago, London still has a high concentration of home-icidal maniacs with an unquenchable thirst for real estate… and murder! (you try driving around this city without wanting to kill someone)   Whether an […]
These 5 Mistakes are Deterring Thousands of Hot and Steamy Home Buyers Lately, I’ve noticed a profusion of unsatisfactory listing presentations on These unappetizing listing arrangements have been perforated by blurry photos, cluttered rooms, and spelling errors. With being the NUMBER ONE destination for home shoppers, why on earth would anyone cut corners and upload a lackluster exposition? TOP FIVE REALTOR.CA BLUNDERS  If you have zero […]
Media WATCH: Rare “You Could Do Worse” Television Clip Several days after our CBC chronicle went viral, CTV’s “The Social” featured our factual story with a segment that captured the polarizing essence of our marketing prowess. Although this bicep-beguiling exposé was cut from their online version, a trusty superfan (my brother) managed to film a bootleg copy on his mobile device. Who knew he […]
Market Updates Johnny’s Insider: London Real Estate Market Update (forward down the field, a charging market that will not yield) Let’s shift our focus away from the NFL playoffs, just a second, and chalk talk London real estate. I promise this won’t give you concussion-like symptoms and it’ll only take a moment. Afterwards, we can get back to dreaming about the Detroit Lions pulverizing the Tampa Bay Buccaneers this Sunday. Stand and cheer the brave […]
Real Estate: Open and Transparent Bidding Has Arrived in Ontario (and I’m all shook up!) Mm-mm, yeah, yeah, yeah, Ontario has implemented new real estate rules that will allow sellers and buyers to enter into an open (transparent) bidding process. What does this mean for the average real estate gyrator? Well, keep reading, my little Tupelo Tornado and find out, because it’s only a matter of time until this article […]
FIRED: You Could Do Worse Article Ranks #7 in CBC London’s 10 Most Read Stories of 2023 (google CBC for full story) Remember that time Tristan and I were fired for excessively using the phrase “you could do worse?” Well, that little anecdote became the 7th most read story in London for 2023. It’s unimaginable that the marketing prowess of one slogan, on one billboard, in one piddly location, could disturb the fabricated social rules of real […]
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Media Inaugural Beaver Mania Proclaimed a Colossal Success (thank you Beaver Maniacs!) The most anticipated launch party of the beaver-llenium has cometh and goneth; leaving us on the edge of our tails for next year’s second annual Beaver-bang! ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (Apologies if anyone is missed) Thank you to Beaver Maniacs everywhere for taking the time out of your dam busy schedule to whoop it up in cele-beaver-ation of […]
Media Coldwell Banker Canada Franchise Announcement Welcoming Coldwell Banker Beaver Realty, Brokerage, Owner/Broker of Record Johnny Hewerdine & Business Partner Tristan Squire-Smith. Proudly serving London, Ontario & surrounding areas. Johnny and Tristan have a combined 9 years of experience in the real estate industry; however, they are both entrepreneurs who have built and run other businesses in the past. Johnny is […]
Home Top 10 Items to ‘Fur’iously Monitor While Maintaining Your Home (#10 is a real shocker!) In this juicy feature I have teamed up with a local Certified Master Inspector named Michael Balaban. After many rigorous discussions, we felt it would be an innovative idea to unleash an article that could penetrate the masses of society. How did we plan to achieve this snoozer of a task? Easy, by politely asking […]
Media Jess meets viral real estate agents | The Social Tristan Squire-Smith & Johnny Hewerdine made headlines for their hilarious “You could do worse” ad. WATCH MORE debates from The Social here: Co-hosted by Melissa Grelo, Cynthia Loyst, Lainey Lui and correspondent Jess Allen, THE SOCIAL brings a fresh, daily perspective on the up-to-the-minute news, pop culture, and lifestyle topics that matter most to […]
Media Johnny & Tristan Feature on the Home Base Radio Show (the oldies you want, the info you need!) “Fred Wallace and Brandon Vanderschot of Brand Realty Group bring you all the latest from the world of real estate. They speak with realtors Johnny Hewerdine and Tristan Squire-Smith of London, Ontario, about their infamous YOU COULD DO WORSE advertising campaign.” Thanks to Frederick William Wallace and Brandon Vanderschot for a quick rollicking romp […]
Media 2 real estate agents fired over their ‘you could do worse’ ad campaign double down on their brand Tristan Squire-Smith, Johnny Hewerdine were fired for ‘professional differences,’ now with new firm A pair of real estate agents in London, Ont., who aim to humanize the industry and were fired from a realty firm for taking their advertising campaign, “You could do worse,” to billboards and social media, have doubled down on their […]
Boss Babes and Squatter’s Rights (what you need to know before it’s too late!) Manufactured reports show that boss babes living in Ontario could be targeted by villainous boss-anizers. These malicious malefactors are using flirtatious mind games to gain property ownership via squatter’s rights. If you’re a boss babe, don’t fall victim to their lustful schemes; read this article! WHAT IS A BOSS BABE? The boss babe is genuine, […]
How My Marketing Can Guide Consumers to Like-Minded Realtors (“The Billboard”)   Real estate season is upon us and sadly most adverts have stopped tantalizing the consumers: • “Free Home Valuation!” (News flash: they’re all free) • “#1 Realtor!” (Everyone is #1 with the right fine print attached) • “Commission Free!” (Remember… you get what you pay for) We’ve seen it all baby, and real estate’s […]
Share the Health: 11 Health Benefits to Homeownership (#11 will surely twizzle your twirler!) Check out what these fine fettle mavens are saying about your health… 1. Counts as Exercise (SOURCE: Jacques Strap PhD, Northsouthern University) Homeownership bumps up your heart rate and uses approximately five calories per minute, four more calories than writing a “my heart is so full” post on Facebook. Will it replace the calorie-burning stress […]
Lifestyle The Two-Part Article to The Summer of Love: 10 Hot Tips and Cool Trips for the Lonely Londoner (PART TWO: Just the Trips) Is your existence in London shackled by the chains of lust? Does it feel like your extremities are locked up in an iron tower, collecting dust? Have you been tied to a wheel and rolled down the hill of disgust? Are you waiting for the next hilarious sentence that ends with the word ‘thrust?’ If […]
Lifestyle The Two-Part Article to The Summer of Love: 10 Hot Tips and Cool Trips for the Lonely Londoner (PART ONE: Just the Tips) Hey London, are you new to town, single, bored and/or lonesome? If the answer is a gobsmacking “YES”, then I have some glad tidings: 2022 has been declared the summer of love! HOW CAN THIS BE? Thanks to a housing market extravaganza, the Forest City has experienced a surge in population and a splurge in […]
Home The Rental Scam You Need to Watch Out For (don’t be fooled!) Humbugged, duped, swindled… you want it? They’ve got it! An impressive scam is on the loose and fraudsters are spoofing listings on This con trick is everywhere and has even happened to one of my own listings. WHAT IS RENTALS.CA? is an unregulated website (a hoaxer’s paradise) that acts as a hub […]